Headshot of me. Photo credit: Stefan Friedl.

I am a postdoc in the geometry and topology group at the University of Sydney, Australia. I am broadly interested in low-dimensional topology, geometric group theory and algorithms.

My CV can be found here (last updated March 2024).

My email is [firstname].[lastname]@sydney.edu.au.

ORCID iD icon https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8666-2827

Preprints and papers

Recent travel

  • Low-Dimensional Topology: Invariants of Links, Homology Theories, and Complexity, MATRIX, June 2024
  • Colloquium, Australian National University, April 2024
  • Junior Geometry seminar, Kings College London/University College London, January 2024
  • Oberseminar Geometric Group Theory, Universität Bonn, December 2023
  • Séminaire Algorithmique Discrète et Applications, Laboratoire d’Informatique Gaspard-Monge, Paris, December 2023
  • Baby Geometri seminar, Scuola Normale Superiore/Università di Pisa, November 2023
  • Topology seminar, University of Southampton, November 2023
  • Geometry and Topology seminar, University of Warwick, November 2023
  • Groups and Geometry in the South East, London, October 2023
  • Swiss Knots, Regensburg, September 2023
  • Group Actions and Low-Dimensional Topology, El Barco de Ávila, July 2023
  • International Young Seminar on Bounded Cohomology and Simplicial Volume, June 2023
  • Around 3-manifold groups, Montréal, June 2023
  • Computational problems in low-dimensional topology III, Rutgers-Newark, April 2023
  • AGATA seminar, University of Warwick, March 2023
  • Geometry and Topology seminar, University of Bristol, March 2023
  • Young geometric group theory XI, Münster, February 2023
  • Geometry and Topology seminar, Université du Luxembourg, February 2023
  • Low-dimensional topology, Oberwolfach, January 2023